Congratulations, strong friends: you soldiered through and completed the 2017 Open! Here are some of your PRs from 17.4 and 17.5.
Crossfit Pushinw8 - CrossFit
2 Rounds:
10x Arch to Hollow Swings
5x Wall Climbs
10x Dislocates w/ Band
5x Strict Pull-Ups
Crossfit Pushinw8 - CrossFit
Handstand Push-ups (5x8-12)
15:00 Skill Work
*Focus on time spend inverted along the wall
*Work Tri-Pod Positioning
*Controlled Descent
Crossfit Pushinw8 - CrossFit
30x Calorie Row
20x Wall Balls (20/14)
30' Duck Walk
10x Hang Snatch*
10x Overhead Squat*
10x Sotts Press*
30'Duck Walk
Crossfit Pushinw8 - CrossFit
Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 30:00 : Teams of 2
50x Double-Unders
40x Wall Balls (20/14)
30x Toes to Bar
200M Run (Relay Style)
Crossfit Pushinw8 - CrossFit
3 Rounds:
10x Arch to Hollow Swings
10x Lunges w/ Dislocate (5x Each Leg)
5x Hang Cleans (Empty Bar)
5x Push Jerks (Empty Bar)
Crossfit Pushinw8 - CrossFit
3 Rounds:
5x Hang Clean High Pulls
5x Muscle Cleans
5x Front Squats
5x Push Press
5x Push Jerk
Crossfit Pushinw8 - CrossFit
3 Rounds:
10x Dislocates with Band
10x Supinated Pull-Aparts
10x Pronated Pull-Aparts
10x Lateral Box Step-Ups (24/20)
Burnout is that tired/bored/"I'm in a rut" kind of feeling; chances are you or someone you know has experienced this before. In CrossFit, we sometimes see people who were crushing it for the first couple months/years, but now for some reason they just aren't having as much fun a
Crossfit Pushinw8 - CrossFit
3 Rounds:
5x Snatch High Pulls
5x Muscle Snatch
5x Overhead Squat
5x Snatch Balance
10/20x Doubles/Singles