Congratulations, strong friends: you soldiered through and completed the 2017 Open! Here are some of your PRs from 17.4 and 17.5.
17.4: Deadlifts, wall-balls, rowing, and handstand push-ups (hand-release push-ups). This was a repeat workout from last year, and many of you improved your score!
Emily A. improved by 21 reps
Kellie S. improved by 3 reps
Maegan E. improved by 20 reps
Steve improved by 14 reps
Karen S. improved by 8 reps
Ebony improved by 5 reps
Danny improved by 9 reps
Suzi improved by 7 reps
Gil improved by 23 reps
Marc J. improved by 6 reps
Garrett improved by 3 reps
Jeffrey improved by 11 reps
Cathy improved by 54 reps
Ashley improved by 2 reps
17.5: Thrusters and double-unders
Nancy is our MVP on this workout. She went Rx plus accidentally (55lbs rather than 45lbs) and she still finished with a great time!
The conclusion of the Open is a great time for introspection. What went well? What could have gone better? What are you going to do to improve? Stay tuned for our next post with suggestions on where to go from here!
17.4: Deadlifts, wall-balls, rowing, and handstand push-ups (hand-release push-ups). This was a repeat workout from last year, and many of you improved your score!
Emily A. improved by 21 reps
Kellie S. improved by 3 reps
Maegan E. improved by 20 reps
Steve improved by 14 reps
Karen S. improved by 8 reps
Ebony improved by 5 reps
Danny improved by 9 reps
Suzi improved by 7 reps
Gil improved by 23 reps
Marc J. improved by 6 reps
Garrett improved by 3 reps
Jeffrey improved by 11 reps
Cathy improved by 54 reps
Ashley improved by 2 reps
17.5: Thrusters and double-unders
Nancy is our MVP on this workout. She went Rx plus accidentally (55lbs rather than 45lbs) and she still finished with a great time!
The conclusion of the Open is a great time for introspection. What went well? What could have gone better? What are you going to do to improve? Stay tuned for our next post with suggestions on where to go from here!