Crossfit Pushinw8 - CrossFit
3 Rounds:
10x Dislocates w/ Lunge (PVC Pipe)
10x Behind the Neck Strict Press (Empty Bar)
5x Inch Worms
4x8 FR Wtd Step-Ups
- Rest :60
4x10 S.A. DB Strict Press
- Rest :60
Front Rack Weighted Step-Up
4x8 FR Weighted Step-Ups
- 8x Each Leg
- Alternate Legs
Single Arm Dumbell Press
4x10 Single Arm DB/KB Press
-10x Each Arm
-Do Not Alternate Arms
Metcon (Time)
25x Calorie Row
9x Muscle-Ups
20x Calorie Row
6x Muscle-Ups
15x Calorie Row
3x Muscle-Ups
1x MU = 2x Chest to Bar Pull-Ups