Crossfit Pushin Weight - CrossFit
2 Rounds:
5x Snatch Grip Deadlifts
5x Muscle Snatch
5x Snatch Grip Push Press
10x Arch to Hollow Swings
5x Overhead Squats
5x Snatch Balance
5x Inch Worms
10x Wall Balls
Every 2:30 for 15:00
•Tor Complex
*Working Weight Each Round
Tor Complex (1-1-1-1-1-1)
1x Snatch
1x Snatch Push Press
1x Overhead Squat
1x Snatch Balance
1x Overhead Squat
Metcon (6 Rounds for time)
Every 3:00 for 18:00
•20x Wall Balls (20/14)
•20x Toes to Bar
Scaling Options:
WB = Reps / Load / Height
TTB = Reps / Leg/Knee Raises