Crossfit Pushin Weight - CrossFit
2 Rounds:
10x PVC Dislocates
:20 HS Hold
30x DU / Singles
5x Muscle Snatch (Empty Bar)
5x Power Snatch (Empty Bar)
5x HSPU / Push-Ups
Kipping Technique
15:00 Skill Work
(a) Arch to Hollow Swings
(b) Straight-Arm Lever Pull
(c) Bent-Arm Lever Pull aka Gymnastics Kip
(d) Bent-Arm Lever Pull with Arch aka Butterfly Kip
Metcon (Time)
100x Double-Unders
75x Handstand Push-Ups
*Everytine you have to break DU/HSPU, perform 3x Power Snatch (135/95).
15:00 Time Cap
Scaling Options:
DU = Reps / 200x Singles
HSPU = Reps / St. Push-Ups
Pwr Sn = Load (115/80) (95/65)