Crossfit Pushin Weight - CrossFit
2 Rounds:
10x Overhead Squats (PVC/Empty Bar)
7x Arch to Hollow Swings (Bar/Rings)
5x Sotts Press (PVC/Empty Bar)
10x DB Deadlifts (50/35/20/10)
7x Pull-Ups/Jumping/Rows
5x Strict Push-Ups
Overhead Squat
15:00 to establish a 5RM Overhead Squat
Go Deep (AMRAP - Reps)
AMRAP 12:00
6x DB Power Clean (50/35)
2**x Handstand Push-Ups
4x Ring Muscle-Ups
**Handstand Push-Ups Increase by x2 Each Round
Scaling Options:
DB Pwr Cl = Load (35/20) (20/10)
HSPU = Strict/Hand Release Push-Ups
RMU = Strict/CTB/Pull-Up/Jumping/Ring Rows