
Sunday, October 30, 2016 - 23:00

Crossfit Pushinw8 - CrossFit


2 Rounds:

5x Inch Worms

15x Thrusters (45/35/15)

30x Doubles/Singles

500M Row


Metcon (Time)

4 Rounds: 0:00-15:00

10x Front Squats (115/75)

31x Double-Unders

16x Wall Balls (20/14)

-Rest Remainder

4 Rounds: 15:00-30:00

10x Push Press (115/75)

31x Air Squats

16x GHD Sit-Ups

*Two groups ( living and the zombies ) The Living will go 2 minutes ahead of zombies. If the zombies catch anyone in the living (beat or tie their score) then the one caught has to do 25 burpees. For the second WOD the living will become the zombies and the zombies the living. The coach\ gets to choose your living classification
Scaled Options:

Front Squats = Weight

DUs = 4x Burpees + 2x Singles

Wall Balls = Weight

Push Press = Weight

Air Squats = o_0

GHDSU = Ab Mat Sit-Ups