It is so easy to vilify food. To point your finger at a something, sugar or fat usually and say "Yep! That is the problem!" It is usually not that simple.
Crossfit Pushinw8 - CrossFit
Metcon (Time)
100x GHD Sit-Ups
50x Front Squats (115/75)
80x Pull-Ups
40x Hang Cleans (115/75)
60x Handstand Push-Ups
30x Thrusters (115/75)
Crossfit Pushinw8 - CrossFit
4 Rounds:
2x Back Squats (45/55/65/75%)
3x Strict Pull-Ups
5x Weighted Cossack Squats
10x Russian KB Swings
Back Squat
I once heard Robb Wolf say,
"You have a mouth, not a hoover vacuum. "
"You have a mouth, not a hoover vacuum. "
Crossfit Pushinw8 - CrossFit
3x Front Squats (45%)
10x Lateral Leg Swings Each Leg
30' Duck Walk
3x Front Squats (55%)
10x Forward Leg Swings Each Leg
30' Ostrich Walk
Crossfit Pushinw8 - CrossFit
EMOM 9:00
Min 1: 10x Arch to Hollow Swings
Min 2: :30 Jump Rope (Sgl/Dbl)
Min 3: 3x Push Press (50/60/70%)
Push Press
Crossfit Pushinw8 - CrossFit
3 Rounds:
7x Hand Release Push-Ups
5x Toe Touch & Reach
2x Back Squats (50/60/70%)
Back Squat
5x3 BS @ 75% 1RM
Crossfit Pushinw8 - CrossFit
Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 30:00 : Teams of 3
•12x Cal Row / Ass Bike
•12x Power Cleans (135/95)
•12x GHD Sit-Ups
Crossfit Pushinw8 - Women's Barbell Club
1)Snatch Pull with Pause at Knee
Heavy 80+ 3 X 3
3 snatches 65% Pause at knee
2) Barbell Rows 3x3
Crossfit Pushinw8 - CrossFit
4 Rounds Each Station
(Tabata Intervals)
KB Swings (53/35)
Arch to Hollow Swing
Jump Rope