We are over halfway through the 2017 CrossFit Open, and we have many PRs (personal records) to recognize.
But first, how about this collective PR. . . CrossFit Pushin Weight has 74 athletes signed up for the Open this year! HELL. YEAH.
Also, we are definitely PRing at having a blast every Friday night. Members, make sure to join us the next two Fridays starting around 4:30pm for food, drinks, loud music, even louder cheering, and competitive exercising with all your best friends. #workhardplayhard
PRs on 17.1 (Dumbbell snatches and burpee box jumps):
Kim M: More burpees in a workout than she has ever done
Ebony: Finished the workout and crushed the 20" box despite her knee injury
PRs on 17.2 (Dumbbell lunges, toes-to-bar, and bar muscle ups/pull-ups )
Annette: First pull-ups
Bianca: First pull-ups
Taylor: Best bar muscle-ups while pregnant
Emily A: First bar muscle-ups
Zach T: First bar muscle-ups
Shanel: First bar muscle-ups
Kellie: First bar muscle-ups
Kristin G: First bar muscle-ups
PRs on 17.3 (Snatches and chest-to-bar pull-ups)
Emine- PR on squat snatch volume in a workout
Tim- Snatch PR
Chris- Depth PR on overhead squats
Ashley- Squat snatch PR
Gil- Squat snatch PR
Jack- Squat snatch PR
Fem (Emily W.)- Snatch PR
Annette- Snatch PR
But first, how about this collective PR. . . CrossFit Pushin Weight has 74 athletes signed up for the Open this year! HELL. YEAH.
Also, we are definitely PRing at having a blast every Friday night. Members, make sure to join us the next two Fridays starting around 4:30pm for food, drinks, loud music, even louder cheering, and competitive exercising with all your best friends. #workhardplayhard
PRs on 17.1 (Dumbbell snatches and burpee box jumps):
Kim M: More burpees in a workout than she has ever done
Ebony: Finished the workout and crushed the 20" box despite her knee injury
PRs on 17.2 (Dumbbell lunges, toes-to-bar, and bar muscle ups/pull-ups )
Annette: First pull-ups
Bianca: First pull-ups
Taylor: Best bar muscle-ups while pregnant
Emily A: First bar muscle-ups
Zach T: First bar muscle-ups
Shanel: First bar muscle-ups
Kellie: First bar muscle-ups
Kristin G: First bar muscle-ups
PRs on 17.3 (Snatches and chest-to-bar pull-ups)
Emine- PR on squat snatch volume in a workout
Tim- Snatch PR
Chris- Depth PR on overhead squats
Ashley- Squat snatch PR
Gil- Squat snatch PR
Jack- Squat snatch PR
Fem (Emily W.)- Snatch PR
Annette- Snatch PR