
Friday, September 6, 2019 - 23:00

Crossfit Pushin Weight - CrossFit

Air Breather

Teams of 2: (40:00 Time Cap)

100x Toes to Bar/Knee Raises*

*Every time you break perform;

15x Deadlifts

30x Box Jumps

100x Pull-Ups (Jumping)*

*Every time you break perform;

10x Front Squats

20x Burpees Over Bar

100x Handstand (Hand Release) PsU*

*Every time you break perform;

5x Push Press

10x Chest to Bar/Pull-Ups

Fire Breather

Teams of 2: (40:00 Time Cap)

100x Toes to Bar*

*Every time you break perform;

15x Power Snatch (135/95)

30x Box Jumps (24/20)

100x Pull-Ups*

*Every time you break perform;

10x Thrusters (135/95)

20x Burpees Over Bar

100x Handstand Push-Ups*

*Every time you break perform;

5x Overhead Squats (135/95)

10x Bar Muscle-Ups