Crossfit Pushin Weight - CrossFit
3 Rounds:
3x InchWorms
7x Front Squats*
3x Push Press*
7x Arch to Hollow Swings
3x DB Thrusters*
*Working Weight
Turtle Power (Time)
2 Rounds:
30x GHD Sit-Ups
15x Thrusters (155/105)
30x Toes to Bar
15x Thrusters (50/35 DBs)
Scaling Options:
GHDSU = Reps / Ab Mat
Thruster = Load (135/95) (115/80) (95/65)
TTB = Reps / Leg/Knee Raises
Thruster = Load (35/20) (20/10)
Spend 10:00-15:00 practicing on a skillset.