Crossfit Pushin Weight - CrossFit
2 Rounds:
5x Bench Press*
10x Scap Pull-Ups
5x Inchworms
10x Box Jumps**
5x Pull-Ups / Jumping / Banded
*Working Weight
**Working Height
1) 3x8 Bench Press
- @ 75% of heaviest set of 8
- Rest 1:00
2) 3x8 Strict Pull-Ups
- Unbroken reps only
- Rest 1:00
Bench Press (8-8-8)
Strict Pull-Ups (8-8-8)
Metcon (Time)
25x Burpee Box Jump Overs (30/24)
100x KB Snatch (53/35)
25x Burpee Box Jump Overs (30/24)
*Time Cap 20:00
Bur BxJO = Height / Burpees
KB Sn = Load (44/26) (35/18)
5x3 Touch & Go Snatches
- @ 75% of max for the complex
- rest exactly 60 seconds between sets
*All Snatches are to be Squat (aka "Full") Snatches
**Note: This is to be done outside of the class setting if the athlete has time. It is not to interfere with classes.