
Tuesday, December 4, 2018 - 00:00


1.Vote for Year End Awards! There will be ballots and a ballot box at the front desk starting Monday to vote for year end awards announced at the Holiday party!
2. Reminder of the Lifts and gifts event on 12/15 and the donation tree in the lobby. RSVP to the Christmas party if you haven't already
3. Kids class! 2 options: 12/21 from 8-12 and 1/1 from 1-4. Drop your kids off and get some holiday stuff done! Snack and a gift that they make is included. Sign up for 1 day or both. $65 per day. See Fem or Taylor with you questions.

Crossfit Pushin Weight - CrossFit


2 Rounds:

5x Inch Worms

10x Arch to Hollow Swings

200m Row

10x Banded Pull-Aparts (Supinated & Pronated)

5x Thrusters (Working Weight)


Metcon (5 Rounds for time)

EMOM 4:00 for 20:00

300M Row

20x Pull-Ups

10x Thrusters (115/80)
Record Time for Each Round

Scaling Options:

Row = Distance

PU = Reps/Jumping/Ring Rows

Thrusters = Load (95/65) (75/55)


Strict Toes-To-Bar

3-5x 10 Strict Toes to Bar

-Modify to Leg/Knee Raises

-Rest As Needed Between Sets