Crossfit Pushin Weight - CrossFit
Air Breather
Teams of 3: *35:00 Time Cap
Partner 1: 5000M Row
Partner 2/3: 5 Rounds
25x Hand Release Push-Ups
20x Burpees Over Bar
15x Front Squats (115/75)
10x Pull-Ups
Fire Breather
Teams of 3: *35:00 Time Cap
Partner 1: 5000M Row
Partner 2/3: 5 Rounds
25x Handstand Push-Ups
20x Burpees Over Bar
15x Overhead Squats (115/75)
10x Bar Muscle-Ups
Lifts 4 Gifts
Teams of 2: 6 Stations
AMRAP 5:00 / Rest 2:00
~Station 1
20x Wall Balls
40x Double/Single-Unders
~Station 2
15x Calorie Row
30x Ab Mat Sit-Ups
~Station 3
10x Calorie Ski
20x Box Jumps/Step-Ups
Lifts 4 Gifts
Teams of 2: 6 Stations
AMRAP 5:00 / Rest 2:00
Station 4
20x Burpees
40x Ring Rows
Station 5
15x Calorie Row
30x Hanging Leg/Knee Raises
Station 6
10x Calorie Bike
20x Push-Ups