Crossfit Pushin Weight - CrossFit
2 Rounds:
10/7x Calorie Row
10x PVC Dislocates
5x Strict Press (Empty Bar)
5x OH Squats (Empty Bar)
Kipping Technique
15:00 Skill Work
(a) Arch to Hollow Swings
(b) Straight-Arm Lever Pull
(c) Bent-Arm Lever Pull aka Gymnastics Kip
(d) Bent-Arm Lever Pull with Arch aka Butterfly Kip
Metcon (Time)
35x Calorie Row
25x Shoulder to Overhead (155/105)
15x Overhead Squats (155/105)
25x Shoulder to Overhead
35x Calorie Row
Scaling Options:
Cal Row = 2:30 Effort
STO = Load (135/95) (115/80)
OHS = Load (Same)