Crossfit Pushinw8 - Powerlifting
Bike/Run/Row (No Measure)
5:00 continuous bike/row/run.
Front Squat
Front Squat
5x8 @ 55% of 1RM
-Rest :60
-Alternate with DB Romanian DL
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
5x10 DB Romanian DL
-Rest :60
-Alternate with 5x8 F.S.
Bulgarian Split Squat
4x12 Bulgarian Split Squats
4x20 Banded Good Mornings
-Rest :90
-12x Each Leg
Banded Good Mornings
4x12 Bulgarian Split Squats
4x20 Banded Good Mornings
-Rest :90
-12x Each Leg
Glute-Ham Raises
3x12 Glute Ham Raises
-Add a band if capable
-Rest :60 b/t sets
Belt Squat
3x20 Belt Squats
-2x 35-44# KBs
-Rest :90 b/t sets