Crossfit Pushin Weight - CrossFit
15:00 Jump Rope Clinic
-Mute Sports Equipment
7x Clean Pulls 7x Strict Press
7x Muscle Clean 7x Push Press
7x Power Clean 7x Push Jerk
Every :90 for 9:00 (7 Total Rounds):
3x Touch & Go Power Cleans & Jerks - @ 70% of 1RM across all sets
*Note: DeLoad
Clean and Jerk (3-3-3-3-3-3-3)
Metcon (24 Rounds for reps)
8 rounds of:
:20 Double-Unders
:10 Rest
:20 Handstand Push-Ups
:10 Rest
:20 DB Snatch (alternating) 70/50#
:10 Rest
*Note: these are Tabata intervals, meaning - complete 8 rounds of the first movement, then 8 rounds of the second, then 8 rounds of the 3rd. Athletes may begin on any movement, but then follow the prescribed order.
DU = Singles
HSPU = Hand Release
DB Sn = Load (50/35)
1a) 3x8 Behind the Neck Push Press
- Rest 60 seconds, Jerk Grip
-@ 75% of heaviest set of 8
1b) 3x8 Barbell Bent Over Row
- Rest 60 seconds, work to a near 8RM
-@ 75% of heaviest set of 8
*Note: This is to be done outside of the class setting if the athlete has time. It is not to interfere with classes.