Crossfit Pushinw8 - Powerlifting
Bike/Run/Row (No Measure)
5:00 continuous bike/row/run.
Close Grip Bench Press
3x C. G. BP @ 65% of 1RM + 25% band resistance.
- Every :45
Weighted Pull-ups
2x Pull-Ups EMOM 10:00
Bodyweight + 30% BW
Renegade Row
4x10 Renegade Rows
-10x Each Arm
-Focus on Tight Plank Position
-Rest 2:00 between sets
BandBell Strict Press
4x12 Bandbell Strict Press
-15# Bar
-2x KBs Each Side
-Focus on Full Extension
-Focus on Set Shoulders
-Focus on Tight Midline
Dumbbell Hammer Curls
3x20 DB Hammer Curls
-20x Each Arm
-Chase the Pump