Thanksgiving Week Hours and Being Thankful

Sunday, November 20, 2016 - 17:00

This week we will not have classes Thanksgiving day so rest up, eat up and be thankful! Come back on Black Friday for 2 classes at 10 am and 11 am. Your muscles will be full of glycogen and you need to get swole to handle all of those black Friday shopping deals!

Taking time for to focus on gratitude should be a regular practice for most people but there is nothing like having the day of thanks to remind us to pause and reflect on being thankful for everything that is going on in our lives.  Being alive for another day,  being able to walk, breath, move on a daily basis, having a warm place to sleep, food to eat, people to share our lives with... I could go on an on.

Take a moment to reflect on all the things you are thankful for in your life. Feel free to share with them with us as well if you want! :D