Crossfit Pushin Weight - CrossFit
3 Rounds:
:30 Jump Rope
7x Hang Cleans
10x Arch to Hollow Swings
7x Overhead Squats
:30 Handstand Hold
(1) 50x UB DU Every 2:00
(2) 30x UB DU Every 2:00
(3) 30x Double-Unders Every 2:00
(4) 10-20x DU Every 2:00
(5) 15:00 Skill Work
Metcon (Time)
3 Rounds:
15x Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
10x Toes to Bar
-Rest 2:00
3 Rounds:
10x Overhead Squats
15x Handstand Push-Ups
15:00 Time Cap
Scaling Options:
HPC = Load (115/75) (95/65)
TTB = Reps / Hanging Leg/Knee Raises
OHS = Load (115/75) (95/65)
HSPU = Reps / Hand Release Push-Ups