Crossfit Pushinw8 - Powerlifting
Bike/Run/Row (No Measure)
5:00 continuous bike/row/run.
Close Grip Bench Press
Establish 5RM C.G. Bench + 30% Accommodating Resistance based of 1RM BP
Fat Bar Pull-Up
5x6 Weighted/Strict Fat Bar Pull-Ups
-Rest :90 b/t sets
Incline Bench Press
5x8 Incline Bench
-40-50% of 1RM Bench
-Rest 2:00 between sets
4x12 Strict Chin Pull-Ups
-Full Extension @ bottom
-Eyes over at top
-Unbroken Sets
-Rest As Needed
Bar Dips
3x Max Reps
-Full ROM
-Rest As Needed b/t sets