Crossfit Pushinw8 - CrossFit
10:00 of Station Set-Up
*2x Sled Push @ Light-Moderate Load
*Set up Bands for Strict Pull-Ups
*3-5x Light Touch-N-Go Snatches
*1:00 of Double-Under attempts.
Metcon (35 Rounds for reps)
EMOM 35:00
Min 1: Max Effort Sled Push (100/70 Kilos)
Min 2: Max Effort Strict Pull-Ups
Min 3: Max Effort Snatch (95/65)
Min 4: Max Effort Double-Unders
Min 5: Rest
Scaling Options:
Sled = Load
SPU = Banded Strict
Sn = Load
DU = DU Practice
Rest = PR
Floor Level Ring Plank
8 Rounds:
:30 FLR Plank Hold
1:00 Rest